Monday, March 22, 2010

Love-notes from a sweet seven year old grandson to his 61 year old loving Papamma ( grandma...)

WE....grandparents are very Lucky to have little grand-children around us. These little miracles are truly "God's Gifts" and quoting a verse from a beautiful poem by Sandra T.....
" Take care of these gifts for they are rare."

" Watch over them with all your love
And let them feel your touch
Take care of their every need
For you are needed very much."

" These gifts will grow up very fast
As you soon will see
Love them with all your heart
And let them be what they will be." unquote.

Their pure and precious Love is so novel or phenomenal,which we must treasure as tenderly as ever.On our recent visit to my son's place, and after spending a joyous 152 days with our grandson,Milind, who will be seven years today, ( March 25th. 2010 )..I reminisce, with such exuberance this child taught me ( at this age) to play a game of Wii, which in turn helped as an 'exerciser for my wrinkled, and pruney fingers!

The game of 'Indoor basketball' was also not tiring and the score-board accuracy was well maintained by him always!! The board game of 'Monopoly' introduced Milind to the 'dollar bills' which excited him so much as if the currency appeared 'real.'
Sitting back now, I recollect all the sweet talk we had in his innocent sweet company. The days of our return to India were fast approaching, and this little fellow, although busy with school work, sensed the bitterness of parting.

It was then he wrote these love-notes on whichever paper he laid hands it a paper towel too!! Writing those sweet messages, he would neatly and softly bundle it and keep near me! Collecting them carefully as true treasures I carried them all with me. Days pass by reading these Love-notes, which carry me back to memories of valuable time spent with my darling precious grand-child...Milind!

Here are a couple of them which read: "I will do my chores while you are gone and I will remember you when you are gone home. I'll miss you" and "I Love you papma I really Loooooveee you papma"

I felt it necessary to write on my blog and convey this message of an unparalleled love and special bondage of aged parents with their grandchildren. To conclude with a query... Is it true that Grandparents love their grandchildren more or vice versa?!!!.